Grogono Family Website
Resources:  Magic Squares   Stereo Art   Health Index   Anesthesiology   Family Tree 


Round and Round

The News!

Family Tree. We now have the work compiled by Nigel Knight as well as a new Grogono Family Tree with photographs on the Family Tree Pages.


Other Websites: We have listed of our other family websites Here.

Our News

Anthea still enjoys doing dentistry at the Volunteers in Medicine Clinic and Grog still enjoys creating websites. Grog has so far had two hips and a knee replaced and is "guarding" his remaining knee. Anthea has some arthritis in her fingers but can still do dentistry and enjoys playing a little golf. We play bridge together and enjoy traveling.

Animated Knots

In mid 2005 the Animated Knots website exceeded its permitted bandwidth and was given its own domain name, It attracts about 20,000 visitors every day and ranks first on Google for a search for "knots".

The Alaska State War Memorial

Animated Napkins

In mid 2013 we created the Table Napkin Folding site It attracts a steady stream of visitors but nowhere near the number coming to learn knot-tying.

Acid Base Balance

The tutorial about acid-base balance was developed originally as a component of the website for the department of anesthesiology of Tulane University School of Medicine. In the aftermath of the Katrina hurricane, a new home had to be found. You can now find it at Acid Base Tutorial. It consistently ranks high up on Google for a search for "acid base".

Stereo Art

Still on Google's first page is the Stereo Art page. Unlike the hidden pictures in colored dots, these are vivid stereoscopic patterns.

Pictures Plus

We still take a few pictures of our family and vacations - especially when we are all together. The website still has photogaphs; the photographs on this page are randomly selected from our files (click them to get an enlargement). The other sections of the website have become busy, however, and attract many more visitors than family photos ever will.


We appreciate your visiting. Please come again. Your feedback is appreciated.

                Grog Signature

Copyright © 2010 Small Title Updated
Mar 6, 2010